Protect Children From Radiation - The Battle of Fukushima-

子どもたちを放射能から守れ 福島のたたかい

Yumoto Masanori


The hydrogen explosions which occurred at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on 12, 14 and 15 March 2011, spread radioactive materials into the air all across Fukushima Prefecture, and beyond. National and prefectural responses languished, and immediate radiation measurements in schools and kindergartens were neglected. The signs of danger were first recognized by parents and teachers.
MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) announced on 19 April, that the temporary standard value of radiation exposure for schools was 20μSv per year. The level was arbitrarily raised, the government simply increased the allowable radiation dosage by twenty times, from 1μSv per year to twenty, including children. Fukushima Parents finally confronted the government with the slogan "Protect children from radiation".
Title in English Protect Children From Radiation - The Battle of Fukushima-
Title in Original Language 子どもたちを放射能から守れ 福島のたたかい
Director(s) Yumoto Masanori
Director's Bio/Filmography Yumoto was an elementary school teacher in Toyko until 2006. Since then, he has been pursuing a career in independent film production.
Year of Completion 2011
Nationality of the Film Japan
Running Time 37 min.
Aspect Ratio Video: 16:9
Color Color
Screening Format
Shooting Locations
Shooting Dates/Periods
Names of Characters
Language of Commentary and Dialogue Japanese,
Subtitles Japanese,
Date of First Public Screening
Place of First Public Screening (Country)
Date of First Public Screening in Japan
Previous Screenings at Other Film Festivals and Events
Staff Credits
Producer Yumoto Masanori
Distributor / Distribution Company
Official Website for the Film
Other Online Access to the film
Screenings at the Past YIDFF Programs and Events None