Message from FUKUSHIMA ーA decade has passed, and we are living in hopeー


Kanie Setsuko


メイン 飯舘The Great East Japan Earthquake occurred on March 11, 2011.
The earthquake and tsunami left 15,900 people dead and 2,523 people still missing as of 2022.
This video is a message from people who had to evacuate for a long time due to the tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. These are people who went through such a difficult time and are still trying to live positively. Some of them have used the disaster as food for a new life.
I believe that their words bring hope and energy not only to those affected by the disaster, but to all of us Japanese, and to people around the world. In fact, I have heard their words and they have given me great courage.
We are living in uncertain times, but I hope that their positive message will help each one of us to carve out a bright future.
Title in English Message from FUKUSHIMA ーA decade has passed, and we are living in hopeー
Title in Original Language 福島からのメッセージ〜それでも、私たちはここで生きていく〜
Director(s) Kanie Setsuko
Director's Bio/Filmography Born in Nagano and lives in Yokohama City. As an editor, Kanie Setsuko has been involved in the publication of many books and photo collections. She also has interviewed 300 photographers in Japan and abroad as a writer, and has published many books on photography and nature.
Since 1990, she has been involved in video production, including production of multi-slides and NHK broadcast programs recommended by Agency for Cultural Affairs. Since 2000, she has directed and edited corporate PR videos mainly for overseas audiences for companies such as SONY, CANON, TAMRON, and WACOM. In 2010, she started working on music videos for artists. In the last few years, she has been making short films, including documentaries, as her own work.
Year of Completion 2022
Nationality of the Film Japan
Running Time 28 min.
Aspect Ratio Video: 16:9
Color Color
Screening Format 動画データmp4/mov (4K、29.97FR)
Shooting Locations Minamisoma City, Soma City, Namie Town and Iitate Village, Fukushima prefecture
Shooting Dates/Periods 2021-2022
Names of Characters Kanno Chohachi [Meritorious Person for Soma Nomaoi Wild Horse Festival]
Tanaka Tokuun [Buddhist monk, the Dokeiji Temple]
Aota Eiki [Heavy equipment operator]
Onoda Toshiharu [Oborisoma-yaki Haruyama Kiln, the 13rd potter]
Nishiuchi Haruna [Soma Nomaoi contestant]
Suzuki Tomokazu [Namiemachi town officer]
Mori Akifumi [Chief Priest, the Kashima Miko Shrine]
Sato Shinichi [Former teacher at Ukedo Elementary School]
Aota Miyuki [Staff, NPO NOMADO]
Watanabe Katsuyoshi [Tour guide in areas within 20km of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant]
Miura Hiroshi [Rice farmer]
Shiga Katsuaki [Retired fisherman]
Takada Takahiro [Shidoke no Kagura leader, Shidoke Young Men's Association]
Gorai Mika [Singer and songwriter]
Aida Masao, Aida Tsutae [Couple who planted 3,000 cherry blossoms hoping for reconstruction of Iitate Village]
Abe Jinichi, Matsumoto Yoshio [Onion farmers]
Language of Commentary and Dialogue Japanese,
Subtitles Japanese,English,Russian
Date of First Public Screening 2022/11/10
Place of First Public Screening (Country) Kyrgyz Republic
Date of First Public Screening in Japan 2022/12/10
Previous Screenings at Other Film Festivals and Events Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2022
Staff Credits Script: Kanie Setsuko
Photography: Yoshida Shigeru, Kanie Setsuko
Editing: Kanie Setsuko
Sound: Yoshida Shigeru
Music: Gorai Mika
Others:Filmed in cooperation with: Minamisoma City Hall, Namiemachi Town Hall, NPO NOMADO, Livehouse
Producer Kanie Setsuko
Distributor / Distribution Company Tree Film Production
Official Website for the Film
Other Online Access to the film [English subtitled version]
Screenings at the Past YIDFF Programs and Events None